Saturday, August 18, 2007

Ryna chooses the Shadow Guard

For those of you who haven't met my darling spirit child, The Black Rose, Kataryna Vaelryn. All my children have interesting upbringings and backgrounds. Some scoff to think of an Assassin working with the Mother of Wisdom. Assassin and Killer are mere titles, just as Hero and Savior are titles. Depending upon your point of view a hero to some is just as easily a villain to others.

You're in for a real treat with the short recounting of Kat's last mortal moments. I will have my own reflections upon these events up soon enough.

Short excerpt:
The cold steel of the sword stabbed into Ryna as she dealt her killing blow to her opponent. She staggered backwards under the pain and dropped her sword. Her hands pressed against her wound and she looked down at the blood spilling out. She felt her knees buckle and slowly she fell to the ground. Grey eyes looked up at the target her murderer, now dead, had meant to kill: Arumbus.

Find the whole tale here.


ND/Botr said...

Wonders if the shadow guard can be brided?

On second thoughts that blade does sought of look nasty.

Hi Terees! Anemo waves at the window, disturbing the Mothers pages of her book. Love the banner. Tis safer for me to hover here than at ground level.

Unknown said...

Greetings, Anemo, yes, those swords can be quite nasty... must watch the wind if they're hanging about.